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作者:admin 发布时间:2009-01-01 04:16:01 分类:日志 浏览:7011


  by principle

  in principle

  in theory


  Turkey agreed in principle to take over the command of the peacekeeping troops in Afghanistan from England

  土耳其已原则上同意从英国人那里接管阿富汗维和部队的指挥权。The board of directors approved the project in principle

  董事会原则上同意这个项目。They agreed to the plan only in principle.

  他们只是原则上同意那计划。"I agree in principle, but our emotions exist anyway. "

  原则上我同意,但不管怎么说我们的情感是存在的。I'd endorse your plan in principle, but generation gap is something you can't deny.

  我原则上同意您的计划,不过代沟是无法否认的因素。These hypotheses, I contend, must be refutable in principle.

  我认为这些假说在原则上必须是可以反驳的。These hypotheses, I contend, must be refutable in principle

  我认为这些假说在原则上必须是可以反驳的。In comparison to intel's device, the 6800 implements some design philosophy differences

  与莫特尔装置相比较,在某些设计原则上,6800有所不同。We invite them now to go beyond agreement on actual plans.

  我们现在请他们以原则上同意再向前迈进一步而议定具体问题。 This is in contrast with an overdraft which is subject to periodic review and is in principle recallable at any time


  n. 原则,原理;起源;主义;道义

  principle of discrimination

  区别原则[指战时区别军事/非军事目标] Adhesion to the principle of independence and abstract is infraction of the principle of honesty.

  固守独立抽象原则是有悖于诚实信用原则的。He was a man of the highest principles.

  他是个道德崇高的人。To instruct in a body of doctrine or principles.

  传授以教条或信条的方式来教授、教导 The principle or law that orders the universe.

  (佛教的)法约束天地万物的规则或法律 theory是什么意思:

  n. 原理,理论,学说;观点,推测

  configuration theory

  完形说 Marxist theory will advance and so will socialist theory.

  马克思主义要发展,社会主义理论要发展Develop a new theory by the synthesis of several earlier theories

  综合以前的几种学说而创立的新学说.The Implicit Cognition Theory is related to the tacit knowledge theory.

  内隐认知理论是与缄默知识理论相联系的。Our theory countered his.


标签:in the is 原则上 The 


